
How to Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 3G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)
Instructions on how to jailbreak your 3G iPhone to the 2.1-2.2.1 iPhone firmware using QuickPwn for Windows.
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone With QuickPwn (Mac) [Updated 2.2.1]
Instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone with QuickPwn. Updated for the latest 2.2.1 firmware.
How to Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 3G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2.1]
Instructions on how to jailbreak your 3G iPhone running firmware 2.0.0-2.2.1 using PwnageTool for Mac.
How to Jailbreak Your 2.0.x 3G iPhone (Windows) [WinPwn 2.5]
Instructions on how to jailbreak your 2.0.x 3G iPhone using WinPwn 2.5 for Windows. [Updated for 2.0.2]
How to Jailbreak a 2.0.x iPhone Using QuickPwn GUI (Windows)
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your 2.0.x iPhone using the QuickPwn GUI application for Windows.
How to Jailbreak Your 2.0.1 iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)
Instructions on how to jailbreak your 2.0.1 iPhone using the QuickPwn command line tool released by the iPhone Dev-Team.
How to Jailbreak Your 2.0 3G iPhone (Windows) [Updated]
Instructions on how to jailbreak your 2.0, 3G iPhone using Windows and WinPwn
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone with ZiPhone GUI (Windows)
Step by step instructions on how to jailbreak all iPhones with ZiPhone GUI instantly!
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone with ZiPhone 2.4 (Windows)
Step by step instructions on how to jailbreak all iPhones with ZiPhone instantly!
How to Officially Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware (Installer)
Computer free instructions on how to Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 with the Official Dev Team Method using an Installer Source.
How to Officially Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware (Windows)
Instructions on how to Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware using the Official Dev Team Method.
How to Officially Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware
Instructions on how to Update and Jailbreak to 1.1.3 iPhone Firmware using the Official Dev Team Method.