
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone Using QuickPwn (Windows)
Instructions on how to unlock/jailbreak your 2G iPhone to the 2.2.1 iPhone firmware using QuickPwn for Windows.
How to Unlock the iPhone 3G
These are instructions on how to software unlock the iPhone 3G for use with any GSM cellphone carrier.
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2.1]
Instructions on how to unlock and jailbreak your 2G iPhone on the 2.0.0-2.2.1 firmware using Pwnage 2.2.5 (Mac).
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.0.x 2G iPhone (Windows) [WinPwn 2.5]
Instructions on how to unlock and jailbreak your 2.0.x 2G iPhone using WinPwn 2.5 for Windows. ****Updated****
How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.0 2G iPhone (Windows) [Updated]
Instructions on how to unlock and jailbreak your 2.0, 2G iPhone using Windows and WinPwn
How to Unlock Your iPhone With WinPwn [Updated]
These are detailed instructions on how to unlock your iPhone using WinPwn
How to Unlock iPhone 2.0 Beta Using PwnageTool (Mac)
These are instructions on how to use PwnageTool to upgrade and unlock the iPhone 2.0 Beta Firmware.
How to Unlock Your iPhone With PwnageTool (Mac)
Instructions on how to unlock your iPhone using PwnageTool for Mac OS X
How to Unlock Your iPhone With iLiberty+ (Windows)
Instructions on how to unlock, jailbreak and activate your iPhone using iLiberty+ 1.2 and Windows
How to Unlock Your iPhone With iLiberty+ (Mac)
Instructions on how to unlock, jailbreak and activate your iPhone using iLiberty+ 1.2.
How to Unlock 1.1.4 and Downgrade to 3.9-fakeblank iPhone Bootloader (Mac)
Instructions on how to downgrade to the 3.9-fakeblank Bootloader and unlock a 1.1.4 iPhone using iPlus 2.0b for Mac
How to Unlock 1.1.4 and Downgrade to 3.9-fakeblank iPhone Bootloader
Instructions on how to downgrade to the 3.9-fakeblank Bootloader and unlock a 1.1.4 iPhone using iPlus 2.0b